When God finally says, “It’s time for love”…Will you know what to do? What to expect? Where to go?
Can I get you ready to partner with God for one of the most exciting times in your life?
You’re going to learn 3 things to do and put into action today when God tells you, “It’s time for love.”
If you’ve ever found yourself, like I did, wondering if that time would ever come. Wondering if you would ever find love or if love would ever find you today’s blog is just what you need to prepare yourself for that walk down the
aisle or should I say that glide down that isle floating on cloud nine. Why not you?
When God says, “It’s time for love” it may be scary and exciting all at the same time. You may have a thousand things listed on your To Do List but you may NOT know what to do.
Let me help you get ready for this time that will surely come. It may come much quicker than you think or realise so, don’t waste another minute of your life or one more night lying in bed wondering what you need to do.
Take a walk with me, let’s find out three things you need to do starting today when God tells you (slip your name in here ————————, “It’s time for love”.
So you’ve been waiting
As a single Christian woman, do you long to get married? Do you long to take that walk down the aisle? Waiting is never easy. Rest assured, Your time will come! Grab this FREE Prayer Journal while you wait for God’s timing!
# 1 Surrender to God
Let me tell you my story:
Just a synopsis-1 day I will give you the FULL story
In 2012 I had my life figured out. I was going to leave my job, travel from Jamaica back to the UK and go read for my PHD. It was settled. That was the plan.
BUT God had other plans that I was not yet privy to:
As 2012 drew to a close I ran into Allan Williams- and we spoke briefly. I spoke to him many times before-although it was small talk, he wasn’t a complete stranger but I knew next to nothing about him except he was a Christian.
Low and below as the year ended and January 2013 rolled around, I realised I couldn’t stop thinking about Allan (what on earth?)
If you knew me back then, I was a tough cookie. Love? No way. I have to really plan for that day. What about my list of characteristics and earthly qualifications?
Love? When?
I was not ready to love right now. I was busy making my plans and any I just wasn’t ready.
Vulnerable? Not willing. Who, me? No way. Not today.
Truth be told I didn’t have the courage to say yes to a relationship- what did I have to offer?
I have my degrees-I don’t need a man. I’m good. At the time I refused to surrender to my need for companionship or to God’s gentle nudges. In fact, I was getting ready to go into a sprint when God blocked my lane.
But the feelings wouldn’t leave-and I was scared. I was in unchartered territory. It was kind of exciting, but I couldn’t show it.
So here we are in January 2013- Allan calls he is needs to talk to me.
I already knew what the conversation would be about because the LORD had already told me Allan would come. The Holy Spirit was even so kind as to tell me things He thought I needed to know including Allan’s age.
So he comes to my office and tells me he really likes me and get this ladies, hear this. He tells me He is GOING to marry me.
I stopped him right there-wait mister; too fast. You are going too fast. We have to spend a long time getting to know each other and then get to know each other’s family before I can ever decide if you’re a good fit. Slow down. Please.
And anyways you’re not the boss of me-you don’t decide that we are going to get married. I don’t even know you (eye roll).
But you see Allan knew something I didn’t know-He had already said yes to God, and they were both waiting on me to get with the Programme.
I DID, quickly.
By February-we were looking for rings and searching for my wedding dress online.
And then we spent the next 6 months, finding a home to live-in, buying furniture, getting to know each other, and praying together
We were married August 2013 at the Registrar General Department in Kingston, Jamaica.
It was like nothing I had in my mind. It wasn’t the big wedding for family and friends that we wanted-but we surrendered even that desire to God as our only goal was to please Him to the very end.
Sis, when God says “It’s time for love”- be prepared to SURRENDER EVERYTHING- just let go of what you want:
- How you see your Life unfolding
- Your plans
- Your characteristic list- you know that list you’re told to build (ask God what characteristics you should be looking for so that you aren’t disappointed)
- Your non-negotiables
- Your timeline
- Your reputation or how others see you and think your life should go
Listen, I know what I’m saying Sis:
I surrendered to God because you see Allan didn’t fit my unconscious image of my ideal partner:
- He worked in the yard- Labourer
- I worked in an office- Office Manager
- He is younger than me (that Ladies, was 1 of my non-negotiables)
- He isn’t as educated as me
- He couldn’t provide for me so that I could leave my job and stay home
- He didn’t own a house or a car
Why am I sharing my story?
Because I want you to KNOW that God will give you who you NEED not who you want.
2 things I needed:
- A man of prayer
- a man who would love me like Christ loved the Church (cliché or not you better believe that I wanted that because I needed a love that was sure and secure)
I struck gold but I wouldn’t’ have known it until I surrendered to God.
When God says, “It’s time for love”, Get Ready. Anything can happen.
As a single Christian woman, do you long to get married? Do you long to take that walk down the aisle? Waiting is never easy. Rest assured, Your time will come! Grab this FREE Prayer Journal while you wait for God’s timing!
He is going to be dealing with you and your conscious or unconscious insecurities and your biases. He’s going to remove the fleshly and worldly desires one by one. He will deal with your self-image, your pride, and your will.
Let Him.
Your story will be different from mine. God may ask you to surrender different things to Him but as sure as the sun rises in the EAST you will have to surrender something to GOD.
What to do?
- Agree with God and be at PEACE
Job 22:21 Agree with God, and be at peace; 2thereby good will come to you.
- Be prepared to let go of your plans
Proverbs 16: 9 In their hearts humans plan their course, But the Lord establishes their steps.
- Be prepared to let go of your ideas
Job 22: 22 Receive instruction from his mouth, and lay up his words in your heart.
- Be prepared to be criticised and be thought a fool or laughed at. It may happen
Proverbs 3:34 Toward the scorners he is scornful, but to the humble he gives favor.
- Be expectant God is faithful
2 Thessalonians 3:3 But the Lord is faithful. He will establish you and guard you against the evil one.
# 2 Obey God
I know it can be hard to obey when you want to do the opposite of what you are being asked or told to do.
But obedience is a one of those important actions that as Christian women you are expected to do. The Bible says Obedience is better that Sacrifice. So, from this we know that God values your obedience more than any other thing you could give to Him to replace your obedience!
Maybe you are like me I was more willing to sacrifice something like my money or my time instead of being obedient to accepting God’s choice of a partner.
When God says to you-in the special way He speaks to you “Daughter, It’s time for love”.
- Submit to God’s leading
John 14:15 If ye love Me, keep My commandments. - Even if He’s telling you to end the relationship you’ve been clinging to for dear life, do it-He has better in store.
Romans 12:2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—His good, pleasing and perfect will. - If He’s leading you to do something, anything, do it-no matter how foolish it may appear to you, no matter how painful it feels in the moment.
Job 36:11 If they obey and serve Him, They shall spend their days in prosperity, And their years in pleasures. - Carry out His instructions, no matter how simple or complicated they may appear
1 Samuel 15:22 So Samuel said: “Has the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, As in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams.
God will speak to you about any number of things about you and your relationship depending on exactly where you are on your journey.
He may want you to start dealing with:
- your low confidence/low self-esteem
- your past, that’s impacting your life now
- your wrong view on marriage
- your finances
- your negative self-talk
- your unrealistic expectations
- your real role as a godly wife
- your list of characteristics for your husband
Maybe God will speak to you about:
- Creating your vision board (relationship/wedding/marriage)
- Your Dress (no it’s not too early)
- Your spouse
- Your purpose (as a couple)
Each time you obey God’s leading, each time you obey God’s instructions you are partnering with God while building your faith.
Since faith is believing for what you have in your heart and God placed your desires there, God will bring them to pass when He’s ready.
Sis, this is your unique journey. Be Excited. Obey God. Enjoy it.
- Be alert
- Listen
- Be Courageous
- Do what God leads you to do
- Have fun
Let your OBEDIENCE glorify GOD not Self.
#3 Trust God
So, what is trust?
If you are required to trust; you should know what it means. Here’s a definition:
Trust is the reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something.
We all know this Scripture Proverbs 3: 5-6
“Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”
Notice, this verse asks you to do 3 things:
Firstly, Trust the LORD With All your heart
Let me ask you:
Have you ever started out trusting God about a matter but the longer you waited on the answer from Him the weaker your trust got until one day you realised there was no trust left?
Have you ever felt that you can’t trust God with your love life or choosing your partner because He is too slow in His response, or He may not really know what or who you need?
We’ve been taught that Trust is one of those things that must be earned. Think about this- has God earned your trust? Can you trust His Word?
Has He proven himself faithful and trustworthy to you in the past?
If you’ve answered YES to any of these
Then why is it so hard to trust Him in this area of your life- finding love but specifically your husband, your spouse?
When He says to you-“It’s time”
You must trust Him FULLY with everything, no doubts no wavering.
You mustTRUST Him:
- With the timing
- To choose or point you to the right partner
- To prepare you for the relationship you need
- To prepare you for marriage
- To grant you the deep desires of your heart
- That the answers to your biggest questions about love and life are in His Word
Can you trust the LORD with ALL of your heart?
What’s your answer? I hope it’s a yesssss.
Ask yourself- What will that trust look like for me going forward?
Secondly, in Proverbs 3:5-6, you’re told – not lean on your own understanding-
Sis, your understanding is often limited to what you see, hear, imagine or experience!
You will never know as much as God, after all, He is Omniscient. He is All Knowing. He knows everything! He understands how everything is supposed to work.
Do not forget that the LORD understands your struggles with His request.
He knows that you choose men based on a process of a feel-good strategy that you’ve developed instead of using spiritual discernment to see beyond the smile and the words or even their actions.
He knows who will be in it for the long haul. He knows who truly cares for you and is willing to pursue a godly relationship based on the Word of God and the standards you should both live by.
He knows which man will pull you away from Him and who will cause you to pursue Him wholeheartedly. He knows all your stressors, your struggles, your weak areas where you are most vulnerable and prone to compromise.
God has put boundaries in place for your own protection-use them. Trust Him.
You don’t ever have to compromise to find love.
As a single Christian woman, do you long to get married? Do you long to take that walk down the aisle? Waiting is never easy. Rest assured, Your time will come! Grab this FREE Prayer Journal while you wait for God’s timing!
When God says “it’s time for love”
YOU don’t say yes to that date or relationship when you feel uncomfortable in ‘your belly’ or alarm bells go off. Lean into God and say NO even if you look foolish or even if you don’t understand why you shouldn’t say yes to this date with this fine looking young man ☺.
The LORD knows why so lean into that. Depend on that.
Decide to press into God’s understanding of your life, your season and your needs instead of your own.
This takes courage but it can be done.
So, Are you committed and willing to trade your understanding for God’s?
If that’s a YES
What will that look like from today?
Thirdly, you are encouraged further- In all you do acknowledge Him-
In all you do, that is, in everything!
Start by Acknowledge the LORD on your dates, acknowledge him in your plans, acknowledge him in your life, in your activities, in your needs, your desires and your goals.
To acknowledge means to accept or admit the existence of… GOD or to recognize the authority of…God in your life and in all that you do.
Based on Proverbs 3: 5-6 Can you do these 3 things? If you do, here is God’s unshakeable PROMISE to You:
God will direct your paths. He will be your guide through life.
Yes, The All-knowing God; the All-powerful God; LORD; The Almighty; the purpose fulfilling God will direct your paths! He will lead you. He will guide you. God!
What an amazing promise!
Trusting God with all your heart
Not leaning on your understanding
Acknowledging Him with all your heart——may not be easy initially BUT if you are committed to changing your mindset surrounding these steps you will become the woman who trusts God unreservedly for everything, for every result you get in your life for every result you need in your life.
In conclusion the 3 things you need to do when God says, “Daughter, it’s time for love” are essential to partnering with God to get the outcome you’ve been waiting for. God knows exactly what you need. Don’t doubt Him. Get ready for adventure and answered prayers. It’s time for love Sis.
It’s time to:
1. Surrender to God
2. Obey God
3. Trust God
That’s partnership. That’s Love. That’s answered prayer.