Tell My Daughters, I Love Them

For too long you have felt insignificant and small.

For too long you weren’t validated or celebrated.

For too long you were made to feel inferior by the way others treated you and all that they said.

For too long you questioned your value.

For too long you questioned your beauty.

For too long you felt unloved.

But daughter, I LOVE YOU.

Every part of you. All. Of. You. Everything.

The frizzy hair, the freckles, the knocked knee, the buck teeth, the pointed nose, the big ears, the big eyes, your skin tone, the big thighs, the spreading hips…Everything.

Every part of you I love.

Every part of you I created.

I made you, Yes You, on purpose.

I thought you out and even before your Mother or your Father for that matter contemplated a child, I contemplated you and placed you in your Mother’s womb where I skillfully and thoughtfully knitted you there in secret and with much love.


Such simple words, but words with power that I want to have a profound impact on your heart and on your thoughts about yourself and about Me.

Here’s a FREE Phone Wallpaper for you to Remind yourself everyday that God Loves you.


Get Lost In My Love

It is time to get lost in My Love. It is time to embrace it fully and get to know its length, its depth and its breadth.

It is time to become consumed by My Love that knows no end- It is everlasting! Yes, I Love You.

My love goes on forever and ever. It neither dries up nor runs low in the midst of difficulty or disappointment and yes sometimes I do get disappointed with you but I know that when you understand what real love is and that I have it for you, All, your insecurities will fall away from your heart and your eyes will really be opened.

You will not walk around intimidated, with so many insecurities, with all that doubt and uncertainty, with all that fear, with all that comparison. All the striving will Stop!

What’s more, you will stop looking for love in the wrong places and in the wrong people especially, men.

They don’t hold the answer or have the key to your joy, to your fulfilment, to your confidence. I Do.

And the more you take time to find the answers and the directions that I would give the more whole and put together you will feel.

So yes, I Love You and I have proven it over and over again. I even gave you my ultimate gift-My Son.

My Gift of Love To You

When I thought about you and I looked and saw your need for salvation-I had an intense desire to show you love because I knew love meant everything to you. I thought about the only gift I had that would be my ultimate gift of Love. It was My Son. My beloved Son, I sent Him to win you back.

This is recorded for you in John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”

That’s Love. Love Gives. Love Acts. Love doesn’t just Speak.

When Looking For Love

So when you go looking for love you know exactly what to look for.

Daughter, what do you see?

  • Do you see a man willing to sacrifice what’s important to him for You?
  • Do you see a man willing to lose everything to keep You?
  • Do you see a man willing to endure loss to ensure that You gain?
  • Do you see a man willing to give You his heart for nothing in return?
  • Do you see a man who isn’t looking for Payback or Favours?
  • Do you see a man fiercely loyal to You?

Love doesn’t force you into a yes when you know you should be saying NO!

Love does not punish by withholding what you need.

Daughter, What kind of man do you see?

What I Taught You

Daughter, I taught you well.

  • I taught you not to compromise your beliefs, your body, YOU.
  • I taught you to love yourself.
  • I taught you to say No to every put-down and every lie.
  • I taught you to discern truth no matter how lies try to hide it.
  • I taught you to recognize a lie.
  • I taught you to recognize a trap.
  • I taught you to recognize a dead-end street just as you would a dead-end job.

Daughter, you don’t have to take it- you know you have more value than that. I taught you myself with My actions and My acts of love.

Here’s a FREE Phone Wallpaper for you to Remind yourself everyday that God Loves you.


Do Better

Now do better.

Stop the compromise.

Stop devaluing yourself.

Take back your self-esteem and your confidence.

Take back your mind.

Take back your life.

Take back your body.

Take back your heart.

My Son, Jesus died so that you can walk in true Victory. Don’t you know? That you are Mine? It says so right there in Isaiah 43 and just as I have redeemed Israel, I have redeemed you. I have freed you to walk in confidence every day of your life.

Read what it says, “But now, thus says the Lord, who created you, O Jacob, And He who formed you, O Israel: “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; You are Mine.

So, take off those grave clothes which you have clothed yourself in. Lift your head up. Look at me. Look me in the eye and tell me if you don’t know that you are better than this?

You are better than this life of compromise that you are living!

You are better than this life of fear and frustration that you are living!

Tell Me that you are happy. That you are happy with the state your life is in.

The state your heart is in. The state your mind is in.

Jesus died to give you much more than you have now. He died and suddenly the abundant life was yours for the accepting. A life of wholeness. A life of settled peace. A life of joy knowing who you are and whose you are. A blessed life. Not a life without trials but a life filled with the knowledge that I LOVE YOU and that I am the One who works every experience you have endured for your good no matter how it looks or sounds and no matter how you feel.

Emotions Are Powerful

And I know you feel a lot. I know emotions sometimes cloud your judgement but you don’t need to deny their existence nor allow them to rule over you. You don’t need to walk around with a cold stare or a hard heart. Yes, I know emotions can get damaged and hearts get wounded but neither of these should dictate the way you live Now.

There is so much hope, love and living for you to enjoy but you lock yourself away. But, I am going to break you out with MY LOVE.

I want you to love again. Be open again. Feel alive again. Trust again. Speak again. Share again. Give again. Smile again. Hope again. I want you to Love Again.

That is the life I am calling you to one where you feel whole, confident and satisfied.

Forget and Move Forward

Daughter, forget the difficulties of your past instead live in hope, live in trust, live knowing that there is more and you are in the best position to get it all.

You need and want love right?

Then why do you deny it?

Daughter, It’s ok.

Love is an essential ingredient in all our lives but you need to ‘fight’ for what you want and never ever give up.

Let the truth of my Word help you to see, Say it out loud:

Not that I, (fill in your name) have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me. (Sisters), I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus (Philippians 3:12-14).

The truth is you know that you want so much more for your life and yes the going has been tough. But you also know that you have not yet obtained the life you want, in fact, you are nowhere close to being the mature and whole woman who you long to be but you need to press, you need to not give up you must persevere so that you can live the life for which Christ grab a hold of you.

Forget those things from your past which caused you to stumble, which caused you hurt, which caused you to lose hope, which caused you to question My love and your value. Reach forward to those things that you are already dreaming of in your heart; those things in your future that you were too afraid to dream about but destined to live. Daughters, press, press beyond your fears, your doubts, your opposition, your failures and disappointments toward your goal of a life designed by my Sovereign hand. The one I designed for you to live through My Son.

Take the time and reflect on My words.

Let them go deep into your heart and bring healing and reassurance every time you need it.

Never forget, Daughters, I LOVE YOU.