Fidelity deals with faithfulness to a person, a cause, or a belief, and is demonstrated by continuing loyalty and support.
Infidelity is of course the opposite!
Infidelity erodes loyalty and support.
Infidelity is Unfaithfulness!
For your relationships to be strong you must be faithful. You must practice fidelity.
It’s no ifs, no buts, no maybes.
Fidelity is the card that you always want in your deck.
Being faithful is a key ingredient in any relationship. If you want your relationships to prosper
and flourish you must be faithful.
Fidelity is the foundation upon which commitment is built- No wait, make that the bedrock of
commitment and it creates the atmosphere for intimacy, longevity and flavor in any relationship.
If you love, you will be faithful. Period.
Your Most Important Relationship On Earth

The most important relationship you have on earth will be with God. So, your heart should be set
on Him. Don’t let it be said of you, “These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are
far from me.” (Matthew 15:8). Your relationship with God provides you with a safe place to be
faithful. It gives you a bird’s eye view of what fidelity looks like when practiced well. You
should live by His example, He is faithful. Deuteronomy 7:9 says Know therefore that the LORD
your God is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love
him and keep his commandments, to a thousand generations. He is and will be faithful to you no
matter what; If we are faithless, He remains faithful, for He cannot deny Himself (2 Timothy
If you have said yes to Jesus Christ and have become an heir of salvation being faithful to God is
the first place to start practicing faithfulness.
Single Ladies, you need to master the art of fidelity and trust with God first before you can think
of being faithful to anyone else.
Hear what Isaiah 54:5 says,
For your Maker is your husband, The LORD of hosts is His name; And your Redeemer is the
Holy One of Israel; He is called the God of the whole earth.
If He is your husband, then you must be His wife! Do you love Him?
And so, you, sweet sista, are first a wife to God before you become a wife to anyone else.
You are God’s wife.
Let that truth sink in. Let it go deep inside of you. Let that truth find a place to lodge and grow
and get big in your heart, your mind, and your soul.
You are God’s wife. His bride.
I agree, it is quite a mystery!
Everything with God is spiritually discerned and so you dare not try to figure things out with
your finite mind.
Just remember that God is faithful, by whom you were called into the fellowship of his Son,
Jesus Christ our Lord (1 Corinthians 1:9).
In this relationship you have the perfect place to practice fidelity with a God who loves you
unconditionally. He is supreme yet He wants fellowship with you. He wants to be your
everything because you are His everything.
This is your training ground.
This is where your practice can become perfect.
Proverbs 31: 10-11 says a good woman is hard to find, and worth far more than diamonds.
Her husband trusts her without reserve, and never has reason to regret it.
Can God Trust You?
Tell me,
Can God trust you?
Are you committed to Him?
Does He come first in everything or is He the last to be consulted?
Note the first command on the tablet of the Ten Commandments- You shall have no other gods
beside me (Exodus 20:3).
Is God the first person to get bumped from your daily To Do Lists?
Are you faithful to Him?
What are the other gods competing for your attention?
What are the other gods that get placed before Him?
Make a list.
Grab your FREE Bible Study Journal where you can go deeper, using this Journal, with Daily reflections, Bible Study Plan, Weekly plan, Favourite scriptures, Weekly Prayer and more.
Don’t miss the opportunity to surround yourself with God’s Love. His is the only love that truly matters.

Search Your Heart

Can you search your heart and find fidelity there?
Take a moment and search your heart. Better yet, ask the Holy Spirit to search your heart. He
will show you if there is any area of infidelity, any area of unfaithfulness or waywardness in your
heart toward God.
There is no need to fear. God’s only desire is to draw you closer to Him in greater intimacy
because He knows that is exactly what you need.
Have you decided in your heart that when you get married, you will never cheat on your
husband? I know you mean it.
As a matter of fact, you have committed in your heart to be faithful because that is one of the
characteristics of a godly wife and you are determined to be one.
That is commendable.
If you should search your heart now what would you find?
Fidelity or Infidelity?
Your heart knows.
Have you been faithful to God, your first husband?
Have you been cheating on Him?
Hear me out.
Go Deeper

Go deeper. Look deeper. What fills your heart infidelity or faithfulness?
Does spending time with God-anyway you like – fill you with pure excitement?
Do you long to hear His voice and be in His presence?
Do you think of that time constantly?
Do you keep checking the time and excitedly count down the hours?
Do you savor every moment not wanting your time together to end?
does the thought of spending time with God in the morning, in the evening, or during the day fill
you with dread and boredom? Do you wish the time away or worse yet do you fill those times
with other activities never stopping, never honouring, never acknowledging Him throughout the
Or is it an activity that you deliberately skip? And when you look back your time apart grows
wider and wider and you begin to feel the distance grow, the emptiness increases but still you
stay away?
If spending time alone with God is relegated to the last 5 or 10 minutes before you crash into bed
at night exhausted from the day’s activities- you’ve been unfaithful.
Matthew 6:33 says But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things
will be added to you.
If you spend time alone with Him but you are impatient and distracted-your mind is on other
things, cares, anxieties- you’ve been unfaithful.
Isaiah 26:3 says You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in
If you hardly ever pray or spend time talking with God- you’ve been unfaithful.
1Thessalonians 5:17 says pray without ceasing.
If you rush your quiet times with God so you can spend most of your time on social media,
cable, netflix, or on your phone or doing other things- you’ve been unfaithful.
If your work comes first-you’ve been unfaithful.
If your desire for marriage comes first-you’ve been unfaithful.
If your desire to have a family comes first-you’ve been unfaithful.
If your desire to climb the corporate ladder at any cost comes first- you’ve been unfaithful.
If your dreams and aspirations fill your mind more than God fills your mind-you have been
Psalm 127:1 says Unless the LORD builds the house, They labor in vain who build it;
Unless the LORD guards the city, The watchman stays awake in vain.
If it is a bother to read the Bible and it’s a bother to worship God- you’ve been unfaithful.
If you are only a ‘sayer’ of the Word and not a doer of the Word-you’ve been unfaithful.
If all you want to do is pay your religious dues-you have been unfaithful.
The Cold Hard Truth

If you have been unfaithful even in little things intimacy with God will be hard.
Think about this,
Ladies, when you love someone, you are committed to him and you are faithful to him you allow
nothing to take his place- not your needs, not family, not your comfort; nothing takes his place!
Thoughts of him fill you. You don’t want to spend one waking moment apart from him. You talk
to him constantly or as often as you can. You can’t wait to be with him. You would move
‘heaven and earth’, you would travel to ‘the ends of the world’ and you would sacrifice sleep and
time to be with the one you love. You would give to him freely and often without restraint or
So, tell me is there infidelity in your heart?
Do you dare to look?
If I were you, I would look and if you find infidelity there act swiftly to correct your error.
Take time out to assess your thoughts, your actions, your attitude, and your words toward God.
Do they come out of a heart filled with love or do they come from thoughts of servitude?
If you would rather have your own way than obey His promptings, check yourself. Check yourheart.
Have you struggled with accepting God’s love? Does it seem too farfetched?
Or maybe you know how much God loves you but it’s always good to be reminded, right?
Grab your FREE God is Love Calendar- includes 1 Scripture about God’s love for every month of the year. There’s even space to write your thoughts as the Holy Spirit may inspire you.

God Does Not Delight In Your Infidelity
He will not withhold any good thing from you including the relationship you long to have and
the family you yearn to call your own. He is withholding neither the wedding gown, nor the
diamond ring nor the huge celebration you are planning.
The Bible says in Psalm 84:11 For the Lord God is a sun and shield; The Lord will give grace
and glory; No good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly.
He asks only one thing of you that is to be upright. How?
You simply must be honest and faithful to Him while He provides more than you would ever
have the ability to pay for.
So, be faithful to Him. He deserves it.
Ladies, God still grants the desires of the heart, but you must delight yourself in Him. In other
words, you must please Him with your thoughts, your words, your actions, your attitudes, your
habits. To delight has no pretense; it comes from deep devotion. It comes from the heart.
So, Delight yourself also in the LORD, And He shall give you the desires of your heart. Psalm
When? I cannot say. But until then,
You should love Him with wild abandon. Love for God should fill you for He is a faithful
For You, Daughter

My only desire is that you Come.
Have a seat, unwind.
Tell me all that has been bothering you and robbing you of your smile and your warmth.
I long to join in the laughter with your friends.
I long to be a part of the discussion concerning your life and your life goals.
But you hardly ever include me and when you do
You dictate the terms.
You donot ask my opinion or acknowledge my direction.
You have placed yourself in charge of your life.
I watch you make the same mistakes over and over.
My heart aches,
Because I speak but you donot hear.
I cajole and coax you, but you will not yield.
I am here waiting.
Waiting to speak to your frailty and your essence.
I am waiting to be asked so I can respond
With the direction and the clarity you went off to seek on your own.