3 Reasons You Sabotage Your Relationship with Men

3 Reasons You Sabotage Your Relationship with Men

The Bible says the man who finds a wife finds a good thing…! So, why haven’t you been found yet? Have you been in hiding? As women, you often struggle in relationships with issues like self-acceptance, self- sabotage and limiting beliefs. These issues cause you to...
Infidelity, I See It In Your Heart

Infidelity, I See It In Your Heart

Fidelity deals with faithfulness to a person, a cause, or a belief, and is demonstrated by continuing loyalty and support. Infidelity is of course the opposite! Infidelity erodes loyalty and support. Infidelity is Unfaithfulness! For your relationships to be strong...
7 Steps to Intimacy with God

7 Steps to Intimacy with God

Having read last week’s blog post- Infidelity, I See It In Your Heart- you may have felt guilty or maybe you thought to yourself, that’s all true but you don’t really know what to feel. Truthfully, you feel a bit ‘lost.’ Caught in between guilt and no feeling at all....
How To Create Empowering Goals For Your Life PART 2

How To Create Empowering Goals For Your Life PART 2

Be SMART But… Let’s start part 2 of How to Create Empowering Goals for your life this way- Discussions about setting life goals normally include the famous SMART acronym first mentioned by George T. Doran in the November 1981 issue of Management Review. If you know...