
New Year Hopes & Dreams: 3 Steps To Getting God’s Vision For Your Life

The beginning of a new year brings the excitement and anticipation of a fresh start. Yet, with the slate wiped clean, most people choose to recycle old goals and resolutions, such as: Eat healthier and workout more Make more money Travel to new places Live on a budget...

Hey Sis, What’s That In Your Handbag?

I am like most females-I love a good handbag! So many good brands to choose from too like Coach, Fendi, Gucci, Prada… There are even some ‘no-name’ brands that I love so much. The truth is the brand matters less to me than the handbag size! For me, the bigger the...

Tell My Daughters, I Love Them

For too long you have felt insignificant and small. For too long you weren’t validated or celebrated. For too long you were made to feel inferior by the way others treated you and all that they said. For too long you questioned your value. For too long you questioned...

Vulnerable? Who, Me?

When it comes to vulnerability, none of us wants to let our guard down. We choose instead to walk around looking pretty and all put together on the outside but inside we are struggling with all kinds of thoughts that are wreaking havoc on our self-esteem. I know it is...

Rightly Dividing The Word, Submission

Do you know you have been called to Submit? The word submission often evokes a lot of negative emotions; feelings; ideas and images in the mind of women. For many of you, Submission looks too much like giving up your rights (To Decide, To Speak, To Act). Submission...


It’s a new year and everyone is setting goals. If you haven’t done so, it’s not too late to create goals and develop a roadmap to achieve your heart’s desires in your life. How does that famous saying go? -If you don’t have a plan, you plan to fail? Well, what I would...

2 Reasons You Need to Hold on To Your Dream of Getting Married

As a single Christian woman, do you long to get married? Do you long to take that walk down the aisle? You've been waiting and secretly planning for your big day but it seems like it may never happen? If you've ever found yourself wondering if you’ve missed God or...

3 Reasons You Sabotage Your Relationship with Men

The Bible says the man who finds a wife finds a good thing…! So, why haven’t you been found yet? Have you been in hiding? As women, you often struggle in relationships with issues like self-acceptance, self- sabotage and limiting beliefs. These issues cause you to...

Infidelity, I See It In Your Heart

Fidelity deals with faithfulness to a person, a cause, or a belief, and is demonstrated by continuing loyalty and support. Infidelity is of course the opposite! Infidelity erodes loyalty and support. Infidelity is Unfaithfulness! For your relationships to be strong...


Let’s start with the Truth. Limiting beliefs are just a fancy way of saying the devil’s lies. He is the original liar, he is called the Father of lies. He uses lies and create deceit in the hearts and minds of not just Christians but everyone. Everything he does is...
7 Steps to Intimacy with God

7 Steps to Intimacy with God

Having read last week’s blog post- Infidelity, I See It In Your Heart- you may have felt guilty or maybe you thought to yourself, that’s all true...

How To Overcome Insecurity

How To Overcome Insecurity

Do you have a dream in your heart? And In this dream you are loved and accepted? You are a success? You feel beautiful, you feel whole and put back...